Over $90,000 in Scholarships Awarded in 2023
In 2023, the Community Foundation facilitated scholarships to more than 20 students living in Central Alberta, distributing over $90,000 in total to support students expanding their education into a variety of fields and industries.
The Ford Family Scholarship, targeting students attending Penhold Crossing Secondary School, distributed a record $30,000 to six students. The William Arthur Bower Memorial Scholarship, in its second year, distributed $25,000 to five students from Red Deer high schools.
With the addition of a new online application portal this year, the Community Foundation has made applying for scholarships even easier for students.
“One of our goals has been to increase accessibility and ease for students,” said Krista Nymark VandenBrink, RDDCF Board Chair. “We recognize the importance of scholarships as the rising cost of post-secondary education continues be a barrier for students. The online portal streamlines applications for students looking for financial support.”
With the addition of more scholarships this year, the Community Foundation now offers 12 different scholarships, to support students in a wide variety of fields. While application criteria, eligibility, and requirements vary for different scholarships, the online application portal provides one central location for students looking to apply to one or more scholarships through the Community Foundation.
A full list of scholarships available through the RDDCF can be found online at: https://rddcf.ca/donor/financialawards/