We are here for you, our community, for now, and always

Since 1989, the Community Foundation has been a 360° grant maker that invests in projects, programs, and organizations to build a stronger Central Alberta. After 35 years, we are now the Community Foundation of Central Alberta, and we remain committed to working with donors, agencies, and community members throughout the region.

Our Vision

The Community Foundation of Central Alberta will continue to be financially sound (self-sustaining & growing) and will be widely known for its relevance and leadership in the pursuit of a healthy community.

Our Mission

The Community Foundation of Central Alberta is a community catalyst committed to building a legacy which strengthens the quality of life in Red Deer and the surrounding areas.

Our Values

STEWARDSHIP              We value the gifts entrusted to us by our donors, our volunteers, and the resources of the community. We are therefore  accountable for the effective and efficient use of these resources, in every way.

VOLUNTEERISM          We value the spirit of volunteerism that is so strong in central Alberta, for the contribution that volunteers make to the enrichment of life for us all. We support the continued development of that spirit, and the personal growth of our volunteers.

EMPOWERMENT          We believe that self-reliance is an essential strength for individuals, organizations, and communities, and we encourage actions to cultivate, nurture, and sustain this capacity.

BEING PROACTIVE      We believe that we must actively seek out solutions to emerging issues in our community to produce results that will meet the current and future challenges we all face.

PARTNERSHIPS           We believe that by working together in partnership with others, we will generate new and innovative solutions, reduce duplication of effort, and develop long-lasting relationships for the betterment of our community.