RDDCF introduces VolunteerConnector
A free online service for agencies seeking volunteers and volunteers seeking opportunities
Red Deer, Alberta (June 28, 2021) The Red Deer & District Community Foundation has partnered with VolunteerConnector to ensure central Alberta residents and the agencies requiring volunteers can easily find each other. The platform, found on the RDDCF website, is a user-friendly database that connects individuals who want to give the time and talents in the form of volunteerism with the agencies who are seeking volunteer support.
“When we heard that Volunteer Central was closing its doors, we reached out and asked how we, as a Foundation, might be able to support volunteerism in our district,” Erin Peden, Executive Director of the Red Deer & District Community Foundation said. “That was when we learned of the VolunteerConnector platform and how easily our community could benefit from the service.”
The website is a comprehensive platform that helps communities provide more volunteer engagement and recruitment support to organizations. It is also a simple process for community members to directly connect with the efforts that mean something to them.
Volunteers can benefit from the program by easily tracking their volunteer hours, creating a profile that details their skills and interests to reduce application time, and receive notifications regarding newly posted positions.
Likewise, organizations can quickly recruit with an unlimited amount of volunteer postings, directly communicate with volunteers, easily assign roles and export data as needed.
“It aligns nicely with what the Foundation stands for within the community,” Peden said. “We strive to connect our donors with the causes that matter to them and as we all know, volunteerism is an incredibly effective form of philanthropy. When our residents give their time, effort and talents, charitable agencies – and the community as a whole- benefit significantly.”
Peden said the next step is directing local agencies to the free-of-charge platform in order to successfully create a one-stop-shop for all parties.
“We sincerely hope central Alberta volunteers and agencies will take this opportunity to reconnect with each other,” Peden said. “Volunteerism is the backbone of community and an incredible way to enhance the quality of life within our district.”
Visit www.rddcf.ca/volunteerconnector to learn more.